The process of reading consists of three main steps,
the first step is mental perception, in this step we just have an image form a text, an image consisted of rather scattered points. this image is quite remote, it has no links to my world.
The second step is interpretation, which means making the text meaningful for myself, and how can I do that? by making links between the issue and our world, imagine you are reading some book, how am I feel about the issue? what incidents in my life are related to this issue? haw can this issue help me understand my world?an so many other questions can make such a links between your world and the issue, this will make the issue yours, in this matter, imagine you are reading about love, after this step you will have your version of love, because you make this idea yours, it's not just love,it's your love, your interpretation of love, we digested it into our world.
The third step is recreating the issue in my language. by this creation, by this expression, I let others, and even myself, to see the issue through me, and by doing this, I expand my interpretation and so on.the process of reading without recreating is not complete.
The main goal of this blog is to interpret and recreate the ideas, the texts, the observations, the insights, etc.
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